Friday, October 21, 2011

A Gift, Some Tunes, and Colorful Weaponry

We had a couple fun visitors yesterday.

Pink Grandma came in the morning, bearing a recorder and some colorful beads to make into necklaces.

She also brought a blanket for Anna, courtesy of Aunt Jennifer. Anna thinks it's swell.

Our neighbor Luke came over to play in the afternoon. He and Joy squared off using our inflatable light sabers. Use the Force, Luke.

Grandma let us borrow the beads until her next visit, so Joy suggested that we "dress up fancy" like Fancy Nancy does. Do you like my hat?

Of course, Daniel (aka "Chuck") thinks these colorful necklaces are boleadoras, and uses them accordingly (consequently, the beads are usually put away when he's awake). If you need someone to take down a runaway steer, Daniel's your man.

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