Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Pictures

Awww . . . aren't they cute?

Little green onions are starting to come up among the baby greens in my lettuce container. You know, buying plants from a nursery is definitely a quicker way to garden, but there is something really exciting to me about planting seeds and seeing a little plant emerge a few days later.

And in case you were expecting a picture of my OTHER baby . . .

. . . here she is learning to wield a spoon with impressive dexterity. Way to go, Joy!


Jodi Jean said...

so cute. and joy is feeding herself, go joy!! aidan wants to, but he just makes the biggest mess EVER!!

Serena said...

Congrats on the plants. Good job Joy!

Shelly said...

She has gotten so big! Way to go Joy. I let Rachel try the spoon yesterday we ended up with bananas in her eye.

Nicole Shelby said...

excellent little bits of green...

excellent little bits of eating...