Sunday, July 8, 2007

Twenty-first Century Baby

After nearly seven months of observing her parents, Joy has apparently reached the conclusion that computers are very interesting things.

She's noticed that monitors display colorful images, and she has even made the connection that the keyboard is an object of considerable importance. Joy particularly likes banging the space bar with her hands or feet (big key = easy target).

Even little, hand-held gizmos are worthy of considerable attention. That might change, though, when she learns I don't have Solitaire or Tetris on there. It's hard to get excited about organizational software when your agenda consists entirely of eating, playing, and sleeping.


Serena said...

oh yes, Sofia does that every night to alex, she loves his laptop, so we have an old keyboard that she plays with, and the remotes are her favorite too, so we gave her an old remote.

Natalie said...

They learn how to use technology so quickly. Just wait until she learns to operate the DVD player all by herself.

Janie said...

How true it is! Computers are fascinating - especially the screen. McKay grabs my laptop and tries to see how far it can go as it's on its way crashing to the coffee table. She is so beautiful - I love her smiles!

elizabeth cullimore said...

Why do kids love electronics so much? Sophie cries to hold my cell phone! Joy is such a cutie!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I think the fascination arises partly from the fun lights and colors, and partly from the fact that Mom and Dad are obviously captivated by these gizmos.

Jodi Jean said...

aidan would much rather crawl towards the remote or cell phone than me, and he loves watching his parents play video and computer games. these kids are gonna grow up so different than us, isn't that amazing?

joy is getting so big, love her smiles.

Phillip said...

Kimberly...I think you're absolutely right there. Kids know what things are important to their parents. And they like colorful things, especially if they move.

How many combined hours a day do you think we spend on a computer?

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Recreation: three or four.

Recreation + work: who knows?