Saturday, January 13, 2007

Joy's blessing

Joy received her baby blessing* from her dad in church this past Sunday. We were touched that so many family members, friends, and even Kimberly's boss Crosby joined us for this special event.

*In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, children aren't baptized until they're old enough to make the choice for themselves. However, when they are newborns someone with priesthood authority offers a prayer over them in church, promising whatever blessings he feels inspired to state.


Sarah said...

It was a very beautiful blessing!

I liked the photo of Kimberly and Joy sleeping in the previous post. Nothing makes me happier than new moms getting some Zzzs!

I hope you guys don't mind, but I've linked you up to our blog!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

We're flattered, Sarah. :) We enjoy your blog, too - the photo of your daughter with Santa is classic.

Jodi Jean said...

wow, what a beautiful family. sorry that i couldn't make it. it was our stake conference and my mommy was speaking. im glad everything went well.