Sunday, January 21, 2007

Baby and Photo Op Were All Wet

It's funny how we let some things intimidate us. For example, I was scared of baking with yeast for the longest time. Don't know why I was so afraid of 'em - goodness knows I'm a lot bigger than they are. But I digress.

For several weeks, I've been illogically intimidated by our daughter's baby tub. That's right, a tub. I'd been giving Joy sponge baths just fine, and though technically we could have graduated to the tub weeks ago, it just seemed like there were too many things to do (decided where to put it, track down the baby soap, read up on baby bathing beforehand, etc.), and I didn't feel like dealing with it. However, since I'll need to transition from sponge baths sometime before she goes to college, I decided tonight might as well be the night.

I am happy to report that both bather and bathee came through the experience just fine. Joy seemed pretty content the entire time, and I didn't do too badly, either. Afterward, as I reflected on this major milestone in our lives, I decided we ought to take a commemorative photo of the event. Refilling the bathtub seemed a bit much, so we wrapped our cheerful little baby in her towel again for the picture. Unfortunately, . . .
Joy didn't think the idea was so hot. In fact, she told us that having a damp towel on her head was downright chilly.

Recognizing the futility of opposing the iron will of a one-month-old, we cut the photo session short and removed the towel (note the ruffly sleeve - Joy still had her sleeper on underneath) . . .
. . . whereupon Baby calmed right down. You'll notice the princess pictures all over her sleeper. Yeah, we know who's in charge here, and it ain't the big people. Maybe I was right to be scared of those little yeast.
Snide comments aside, you've got to admit that's a cute face. Is she getting big or what?


Natalie said...

It's amazing how much changes in a month. She is so wide eyed and alert looking like she really notices what's going on.

I think you should do a whole separate post about your fear of yeast. That way it won't be a digression and you can just tell the whole story. =)

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Short story, really.

Sometime around age 20 I decided the intimidation had carried on long enough, so I confronted my fear and made some parkerhouse rolls. It was then that I realized that working with yeast isn't terrifying, it's just too darn much work.

The yeast and I have since established an uneasy truce. I even made four dozen rolls for the church Christmas party last month. Now if I can just confront my fear of making a cheesecake in a water bath . . .

Natalie said...

Cheesecake in a water bath? Is this some secret way of making cheesecake that I don't know about? I know some custards(such as creme brule) require a water bath, but I don't see why a cheesecake would need to be made that way. And I LOVE cheesecake. I have seen many a recipe, none of which require the water bath. So I hereby absolve you of any need to fear making cheesecakes. Just bake 'em like normal. And when you do make them, save me a slice. =)

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

You can have two. :)