Sunday, December 20, 2020

Two Virtual Christmas Concerts

Our ward usually plans a special worship service the Sunday before Christmas, with beautiful Christmas music and inspiring messages.  The pandemic obviously complicated that this December, so a member of our ward compiled a video of ward members reading Christmas scriptures and performing lovely musical numbers.  

There were also a few videos of a music director leading Christmas carols with a soprano, alto, tenor, and bass singing behind her.  The idea was to allow people at home to sing along and feel they were part of a choir.  The image is too small to see him clearly, but Daddy is the bass on the far left.  We thought it was kind of fun to sing Christmas songs with Daddy . . . 

. . . and Daddy.

This evening, we joined our piano teacher and her students for a Christmas recital.

Daniel did a good job playing the eighth verse of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" . . .

. . . and the girls nailed their "The First Noel" duet.  They worked especially hard to learn the song's fancy ending, and their practice paid off.  The piece sounded polished and beautiful.

Then Joy put Doc into a hamster ball for the first time, and we all went, "Awww!  He's so cute!"

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