Sunday, December 27, 2020

Church, Stew, and Shin

One of Daniel's favorite things about Christmastime is actually a Jewish tradition.  As I started putting up the Christmas decorations this month, he kept asking if I'd found our dreidel yet.  

I finally ran across it a couple days before Christmas, and he and Todd are having fun playing with it.

I joined their game for a while this afternoon, but I kept getting "shin" and having to put part of my stash in the pot.  My kids had to bail me out twice.  When I went bankrupt the third time, I decided it was a sign that I should go do something else.

In other news, I took my new Instant Pot (thanks Mom!) on its maiden voyage this evening.  The stew turned out well, and I look forward to trying some of my siblings' favorite Instant Pot recipes, like tortilla soup and chili verde.

On a different note, today is the last Sunday of 2020.  As our family walked into church, I wished we didn't have to wear masks.  I wished safety restrictions didn't limit attendance to a few dozen people.  I wished we could all just hug each other again!  But I also felt grateful that we can meet together.  There is something so heartening about gathering with people who share my love for God and my desire to be more like Him.  It isn't ideal, but I'll take it.

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