Saturday, December 12, 2020

Birthday Tacos and Tarts

It's Joy's birthday today!!!

She kicked things off with a dance party in the kitchen . . .

. . . then we picked up Taco Bell for lunch.  Joy savored her tacos and soda with her characteristic level of exuberance.

Our bishop has a tradition of giving each teenager in our ward a birthday cupcake and a haiku he writes for them.  Joy's poem is a reference to the fact that, when she gets on Zoom for Sunday school or youth activities, she rotates her screen 180 degrees so it looks like she's sitting on the ceiling.  The haiku reads:

She is upside-down
In all of her Zoom meetings
But she's not a bat

Joy also received a delightfully geeky birthday card, drawn by her friend Sophie . . .

. . . some thoughtful cards and gifts from her parents and siblings . . .

 . . . and a lemon tart for dessert!

Happy birthday, Joy!  I love your caring heart, your inquiring mind, your thirst for a challenge, and your quirky sense of humor.  Thanks for keeping every day interesting!

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