Thursday, December 3, 2020

Old and New Christmas Decorations

After dinner this evening, I went downstairs and awakened our Christmas decorations from their year-long hibernation in the basement.  Some of those festive treasures are old and familiar . . .

. . . like our Christmas stars . . .

. . . our Christmas memory game (Anna loves finding the sugarplum fairy) . . .

. . . and the little tree for our advent calendar ornaments.  Other decorations are new, like the baker nutcracker I bought last year . . .

. . . and the waxed amaryllis bulbs in our bay window.  I remember my mom buying potted amaryllis bulbs for our kitchen window every December, but some years I just don't feel up to watering a plant (and trying to plant it in time to bloom for Christmas) on top of everything else moms do during this hectic season.  When my mother recently told me that waxed amaryllis bulbs bloom with no water and virtually no attention, I decided I had to give them a try.  We'll see how they do!

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