Monday, January 22, 2024

Rookie Art

I don't consider myself much of an artist,
but a few years back I discovered that paint nights can be fun.
I love the fact that I can follow someone's simple instructions
and paint something that at least resembles art.

When I heard that our library would be hosting a winter painting class today,
I immediately put the class on my calendar.
I still display my pumpkin painting in autumn,
and I thought it would be nice to have a winter scene too,
so I could switch my paintings as the seasons change.

We started the class with little puddles of paint on our paper,
which we smeared from side to side to make a misty background . . .

. . . then the teacher showed us some simple ways
to make pine trees that look like they're closer or farther away.

We then dabbed snow on the branches,
added footprints in the foreground, and splattered on some snowflakes.
Although the end result isn't perfect, I'm happy with it.

Anna liked my tree painting too,
and she asked if we could try making art together.
We found a video with instructions for painting some flowers,
but it took a lot longer than we expected (probably because we're both rookies),
so we didn't even finish half of it this afternoon.

Hopefully we'll get to the rest soon--it would be nice to have a spring picture
to replace my snowy trees in a month or two.

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