Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Don't Stir-Fry Sunflowers

New Englanders tend to be frugal folks
who use something until they're done with it,
keep it around awhile longer just in case,
then put it out by the road to see if anyone else would like it.

I scored this big ceramic pot from a neighbor this week
and decided to fill it with some colorful herbs.
The pale flowers in front are an ornamental oregano
(who knew that was a thing?).
Seeing those beautiful plants outside my kitchen window
makes me happy.

I guess I'm in a gardening mood this week,
because I also pulled out this book about growing soil sprouts . . .

. . . and started a little indoor garden.
The seeds were all a bit old, so I wasn't sure how many would even sprout.

Everything except the broccoli seeds actually did pretty well.

I even put sunflower sprouts in our pad thai tonight.
I'm glad I snapped this picture before I stirred them around in the hot pan,
and they turned kind of brown and wilty.
Note to self: Use the sunflower sprouts as a fresh, crisp garnish next time.

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