Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Butterfly Place

I used to take one of my children on a date each week before the pandemic, and we recently decided to revive that fun tradition.  It was Daniel's turn today, and he asked to go to The Butterfly Place.

Ironically, the first winged creature we saw in the greenhouse was this gal.  I only counted four limbs, so I'm pretty sure that's not a butterfly.

That is, though! Daniel and I were enchanted by the colorful butterflies fluttering and perching all around us.

Some, like this little Doris butterfly, were very active . . .

. . . while this big Owl Butterfly (whose wing was about the size of my hand) spent most of its time just chilling (or eating a banana).

The funniest part of our visit was when this butterfly landed on my phone and blocked part of my camera.  It's against the rules to hold a butterfly on your hand, but I guess the butterflies can perch on your phone if they want to. :)

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