Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Todd's First Day of School

It's Todd's first day of preschool, folks!

He started the day off with a little light reading at home . . .

. . . then our Little Man awkwardly put on his big backpack and headed off to school.

I tried to get a picture of him from the front, but he likes to get to the van first, so every time I quickened my pace he sped up to keep ahead of me.  Oh well.

We took advantage of the First Day photo op . . .

. . . and here he is with the preschool class of 2019.  They all looked excited, and I was sure Todd and his new classmates would have a great time, but for the first time in my life I had a case of nerves when I dropped my child off for the first day of school.

Perhaps it was because every other time I did it, I had some other little Hendrickson at home needing my attention, so life carried on more or less as usual.  This time I was dropping off my baby, and there was no one else at home who needed questions answered or tears dried.  That's a big change after nearly twelve years of perpetual parenting, and big changes always make me a little nervous, even when I'm confident that they'll be a good thing for everyone involved.  

And so it was today.  Todd had a fun time at school, and I enjoyed having quiet time to work and relax at home.  We're both looking forward to the second day of school tomorrow.

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