Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Pickles Gap Village

This morning the kids and I visited . . .

. . . a local tourist trap called Pickles Gap (nice rhyme, eh?).  According to legend, the place got its name because a German immigrant accidentally spilled a wagonload of pickles in the nearby creek. 

The kids sampled half the fudge flavors in the store before Joy bought some Cinnabon fudge to share.

We also bought some taffy for Daddy and a jar of their delicious Double Berry Jam . . . 

. . . then we fed the goats . . .

. . . and the kids rode a little merry-go-round.

Shortly before we left, Daniel and Anna found a little wall to walk back and forth on.  Every time they met up and blocked each other's way, they played Rock-Paper-Scissors to see who would step aside and let the other pass.

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