Saturday, July 4, 2015

Independence Weekend at the Cabin

We headed up to the cabin today to celebrate Independence Day with my family . . .

. . . and Turbo, of course.

Papa and Red Grandma had found some foam gliders at a hobby store, and took the kids to an open area to try flying them.  The first one crashed and broke apart within ten seconds of liftoff, but the pilots learned from their mistake and the second plane enjoyed a much longer lifespan.

After flight training, the girls decorated cupcakes with Red Grandma . . .

. . . while Todd (like his big brother before him) discovered the delights of the cabin's toddler-accessible light switches.

Anna also enjoyed playing foosball with Uncle Andrew.  I snapped a few pictures of them . . .

. . . then hustled up the driveway to catch Todd before he toddled off to the village in search of pizza or something.


Rachel Culmer said...

Andrew! I don't think I have seen him since May 2011! Love the picture of Turbo. Crazy bird.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I don't know why random Turbo pictures make me happy, but they do.