Sunday, May 17, 2015

Another Profitable Venture

Joy the Entrepreneur has found another novel way to earn money.

She built a jumping pad out of sofa cushions, and charged her siblings for the privilege of jumping on it.  At first I objected to the idea of her charging small children for an activity that is usually free around here, but then I figured if she took the initiative to think up this plan and the little kids choose to pay her, that's their choice.  Of course, I took great care to explain to Anna and Daniel that they could save their money for other things, like ice cream at the elementary school later in the week . . .

. . . but they decided that cushion-jumping was worth splurging on.  Anna paid Joy $1 that she received for Easter, and Daniel paid $5 because he didn't have any $1 bills.  They all had a great time jumping . . .

. . . until nap time rolled around.

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