Saturday, April 11, 2015

Flat Stacy

Joy's class is doing a "flat sibling" project, inspired by the Flat Stanley books. Each student drew a fictional sibling, which was laminated and cut out, and then the students were assigned to write  adventures for their flat siblings, preferably with photos or illustrations.

Joy drew a sister named Stacy who is 16 years old, very curious and observant, and fond of bragging about being the oldest child in our family.  Oddly, for her story Joy decided to make all the kids in our family four years older than they are, and she made Anna a witch.

Here is Stacy, entering the Mechanical Museum on a field trip, where her curiosity about a machine will lead to her falling in and being pressed flat.  Stacy thinks being flat is pretty cool, and even uses her new shape to help out our family's fictional cat Shiny in Joy's second chapter.  In the final chapter, Stacy will get tired of being flat and ask Anna the witch to cast a spell changing her back to normal.  Anna will kindly oblige . . .

. . . but being a somewhat absentminded witch, she'll accidentally change Stacy into a frog before finally getting the spell right.  It's hard to find good help these days.


Siobhan said...

I thoroughly enjoyed Flat Stacy's adventure. My regards to Joy!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

My favorite part is the cartoony picture of Anna saying, "Drat!"