Friday, November 29, 2013

Two Turkey Days

Call me crazy, but for years I've wanted to try cooking Thanksgiving dinner, even though plenty of capable relatives are happy to do it for me.  I guess I just wanted to see if I could pull it off.

Last weekend I finally did it.  I prepped as much as possible the night before, then Phillip tended the kids Saturday afternoon while I cooked for an hour and a half.  I made turkey breast in the pressure cooker, mashed potatoes on the stove, sweet potato casserole in the oven, and steamed broccoli in the microwave.  Everything turned out pretty well, but I'm not in a hurry to do it all again.

Today we headed to my parents' home and let the experts handle the feast.  Grandma cooked the turkey, Grandpa carved it (88 years young and he's still got the knack), . . .

. . . Phillip rinsed the dishes, . . .

. . . and Sean and Heather took tryptophan-induced naps (if you look closely at Heather's heels, you'll notice they're about six inches tall; it was kind of weird to look my short sister in the eye when she was standing).

Yes, the food was great tonight, but my favorite part was just spending the holiday with family.  I feel so blessed.


Rachel Culmer said...

Thanksgivings are great! By the way, Grandpa is 88 years old. :)

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Whoops! I'll go fix that now . . .