Friday, November 1, 2013

Pill Bug on Parade

Joy had planned to be Darth Maul for her school's Halloween parade (and I had braced myself to get up an hour early and paint her face), but a few days ago I realized that her school doesn't allow weapons (fake or otherwise) in the parade.  Joy didn't want to be a Sith sans light saber, so we brainstormed alternative costume ideas and Joy decided to be . . .

. . . a pill bug (rollie pollie), cuz she's kind of obsessed with them lately.  She originally asked me to paint her face black and attach a bunch of pipe cleaner legs to her shirt, but as the morning wore on she decided that she didn't want to deal with face paint, and the legs were a hassle (she pulled them off in the car on the way to school).

In the end, she just wore black clothes and pipe cleaner antennae headband, but she was the happiest pill bug in the parade.

Here she is post-parade, with her kitty cat teacher and one of the Dallas Cowboys.  Incidentally, someone asked me if Captain America's shield should be allowed at school, since he technically uses it as a weapon.  Some questions in life may never be answered.

Speaking of pill bugs, Joy brought one home today so she could start keeping it as a pet.  We did a little research about proper care and feeding of pill bugs, and it looks like this little guy will help us polish off our vegetable scraps in the coming months.

This evening Phillip took Anna on a date to Target (because toddling around a store is as much fun as going to Disneyland when you're two years old), and I took the Pill Bug and the Prince trick-or-treating.  Good times were had by all.

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