Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Fishy First Day of School

Today was Joy's first day of class at her new preschool.

Of course, she chose to wear her signature rainbow pants.

Her teacher welcomed us to class . . .

. . . and the kids got to choose whether to start the day playing Sea Creature Bingo (the class is doing an ocean theme for the first few weeks) . . .

. . . or paint bubble wrap to stamp bubbles on paper (while the parents all snapped lots of photos).

After a few minutes, Joy's teacher told the parents it was time to go, so Joy gave me a hug and told me I could leave. I was glad she felt comfortable enough to let me go, but I also felt a little wistful. [Sniff] My little girl is starting school. Before I know it she'll be leaving for college.

At the end of the day, Joy was excited to show me a sticker picture she made, and to tell me about all the fun things she did. We're both eager to see what the rest of the school year holds for her.

1 comment:

Vicky Durham said...

Joy is growing up so fast! Looks like a fun preschool. : )