Saturday, December 25, 2010

All Sorts of Treasure

Last night . . .

. . . all our stockings were hung on the sofa with care. You may notice that we have an extra stocking in the middle.

I decided to make that "Jesus's stocking," and put in pictures representing the things we've done this month as birthday gifts to Him. From top to bottom, there are pictures of a woman studying (we donated to the PEF fund), Joy holding a toy (we donated many unused ones), and pictures of people holding a rabbit and a chicken (we donated the cost of a flock of chicks and part of a rabbit to Heifer International). We also took a side dish to USF's Christmas dinner for the homeless today, but since we hadn't done that by Christmas Eve I didn't include a picture.

It was nice to focus more on giving than getting this season, but I suppose the real test is whether we keep that spirit the rest of the year.

After we opened our presents, we headed up to Papa's cabin.

My brothers were really excited to see us.

Papa had prepared a treasure hunt for Joy, with several clues hidden around the cabin.

This time, the treasure was actually inside a treasure chest upstairs. It was a scooter and a helmet (safety first, Joy). Thanks Papa and Red Grandma. :)

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