Sunday, March 21, 2010

Plenty, Prickles, and Pestilence

In addition to the veterans of my container garden (parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme . . . and a few green onions), I've added a few cool weather veggies in recent months.

The carrots flourished with little effort on my part. I like that in a plant.

The turnips were nearly devoured by bugs, which has actually been my experience nearly every time I've tried to grow them. Insecticidal soap spray (my preferred organic bug solution) took care of the pesky critters every time, but I've decided I'm not a big enough fan of turnips to bother with them next year.

I tried celery for the first time this year. For some reason I thought it would be high maintenance, but as long as I kept it well watered it did fine. It's been nice to just go out and pick a rib or two when I need it, rather than buying a whole bunch at the store and having most of it go bad.

OK, I don't actually eat cactus, but you've got to admit the flower is cute. This Scarlet Crown cactus variety is sometimes called a Valentine's cactus because it often blooms in February. Ours waited until March so it could pretend to be Irish for St. Patty's Day.

1 comment:

Serena said...

Very good job, we are setting our's up now, with green bell pepper, tomatoes, cilantro, jalepenos, sunflowers and fennel. So, we hope to see some stuff later on LOL