Monday, March 8, 2010

The Other Two R's

Joy has been a fan of reading for a long time, but she's starting to take an interest in the other two R's as well.

wRiting - Joy can write her own name (it helps that it's only three letters - probably would have been more of a challenge if we'd named her Stephanie or Ermengarde). If you look closely, you can see that she wrote her name small, then is working on it again in a larger font. Good thing Y's can be skinny.

aRithmetic - Joy is also learning to write numbers. Since she's written an X here, too, I guess she's working on algebra. Remember, Joy: two wrongs don't make a right, but a negative times a negative equals a positive.


Laura Essig said...

i cut up the meat.. so that the marinade gets all over it..and it can marinade in a shorter amount of time. I hope you like them

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I hope so, too. I've been searching for a good taco recipe. :)