Some friends of ours have a New Year's Day tradition of getting up early and strolling along Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena. They like to look at the Rose Parade floats lined up waiting for the parade to start at 8am.

We decided to give it a try this year, and we had a lot of fun seeing all the creative designs. Phillip was a little dubious that anything could be worth getting up at 7am on a holiday, but I think he enjoyed it the most.

Phillip's favorite float was Mexico's (partly because he served his mission there). My favorite was Honda's "Ship of Dreams," but alas, I didn't get a good picture of it.

The fishies were fun, though.

So was Taiwan's dragon . . .

. . . and a little local color, complete with a small youth orchestra.

It's hard to say what I thought of the Lutherans' Ark of the Covenant float. I appreciate their desire to stand up for the Bible, commandments, etc., but I kept expecting someone (maybe them, maybe us) to be struck by lighting.

And of course, the cavalry were on hand to keep order in case any of the floats got uppity and decided to secede from the parade.