Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Five Rectangles and a Sphere

What do photographs and Earth's natural satellite have in common? Our toddler currently finds them rather fascinating.

Joy loves having us sit down and tell her about the family pictures on our display table. They're actually a nice summary of what is important to us: our little family, both extended families, the temple, etc. I've considered adding a picture of Jesus so she gets to know Him, too, but then she might think He's her uncle and that could cause serious headaches for future Sunday school teachers.

Joy absolutely loves finding the Moon in the sky. Any time it's visible you can ask her where it is and her face will light up as she points it out to you. She even recognizes it in her picture books no matter what shape it is, which I find pretty impressive.


Jodi Jean said...

wow ... that is impressive that she understands its still the moon wheather its full or a waxing or waning bibbous or cresent!!!

aidan has a mild interest ... much more interested in finding all the leaves and rocks he can carry!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Joy likes leaves and rocks, too, but she has a particular fondness for sticks. :)

Serena said...

Sofia loves all our pictures too. Daddy and Jesus are her favorite. Lauren has always had a fascination with the moon also, and wants to be an astronaut. She wants to go to the NASA space camp.