Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hi everyone. Sorry you've had to endure this famine of Hendrickson news. Our lives have been commandeered by this:

Our move to a two-bedroom apartment.

Oh yeah, and this:

The untimely death of our graphics card. Apparently computers with fried graphics cards are not happy creatures. Anyway we've finally settled in and set up our new PC (after two weeks--yes, this post is post-dated), and I can get back to blogging. Here's a recap of our adventures around the time chaos struck.

These are some of the exotic, culinary delights I sampled at the tri-ward international dinner. The empanada on the left conjured up memories of my missionary service in Uruguay. I won't say what the escargot conjured up. Let's just say I've now officially tried the stuff and I never have to eat it again.

Here's Joy with an empanada in one hand and a jar of dulce de leche in the other. That's my girl.

Joy has made her first solo visit to nursery. They sent her home with a souvenir from the play yard. What can we say? She's a nature girl.

Joy also made her first trip to Kidspace. She quickly concluded that the object of our visit was to collect as many balls as possible. She's doing well so far . . .


Serena said...

How fun! We love that food too. Yum! Hand some over.

Lisa said...

Where did you get the dulce de leche??? And is that a box of alfajores I see in the corner of that picture? Ever since coming back from Uruguay, I've had to make my own dulce de leche out of sweetened condensed milk, and that just isn't the same. And the only chance I have of eating an alfajor anytime soon is when my brother brings some home from Argentina. PLEASE leave me a comment to tell me where you got those!!

Jodi Jean said...

yeah, i'm glad you're back! sorry about the graphics card ... those are kinda important.

i can't wait until aidan can go to nursrey alone ... hopefully before #2 decides to arrive