Sunday, February 24, 2008

Save the Half Dance for Me

Forgive me for stating the obvious, but life sure changes when you have a baby. Take this weekend's Stake Valentines Dance/Fiesta, for example . . .

Phillip and I spent our first Valentine Dance together enjoying a leisurely dinner with friends and then dancing the night away. This year we took turns feeding Joy bits of cheese enchilada and blessing the mariachis for keeping her entertained.

By the time the dance portion of the evening rolled around, it was Baby's bedtime and she was starting to get fussy. We handed her off to a friend in an effort to dance at least one number together before the meltdown, but halfway through the song Joy made it clear she was having none of it. We picked her up and danced as a trio for a while, but she soon tired of that, too, so we headed home.

Ah, parenthood. It often complicates things that would have been simple affairs two years ago, but I wouldn't trade it.


Jodi Jean said...

isn't it interesting how things change. our v'day thing at church was adults only and we couldn't get a babysitter so rob stayed hom and i partied it up alone. hehe!!

Jill Walker said...

Yes, having a baby does complicate things just a little! Then just when you get used to it they all leave and you sit and look at each other and don't know what to do with yourselves.

Serena said...

Alex doesn't like to Dance in public that much, soo we dance at home. ahhaha.

Nicole Shelby said...

good thing we know what really matters, don't we? we've got so much love goin' on in our lives, that we don't need the outward trappings. plus, you could always put on a cd and dance in the living room after baby's down for the night!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Funny you mention it - we made up for the missed dances by compiling a nice iTunes playlist and dancing together for our FHE activity on Monday.