Thursday, February 15, 2007

La Tigra

Joy passed her two-month check-up with flying colors yesterday. She also received her first three vaccinations, and let everyone in the building know that she shares her mama's aversion to needles. Ouch!
Here Joy models the nifty Looney Tunes Band-Aids she got at the doctor's office (visible on her upper thighs), as well as the uber-cool onesie she got for Christmas (Go Cougars!).

And yes, folks, she does have a USC onesie as well. It's a size larger, though, so she won't be big enough to wear it for another month or so. Perhaps that's a type and shadow of things to come. I theorize that she'll get her B.A. degree at BYU, then an M.A. at USC. Phillip says she'll go to the Y until she matures and transfers to SC because it's a way better school. We'll see. No pressure, Joy.


Vicky Durham said...

Wow!! What a beautiful baby!! Joy is growing so fast!! You both are doing a great job with pictures and comments. Thanks!! Keep up the great work!

Phillip said...

Thanks Vicky! Joy keeps us (especially Mama) busy, but she makes us so happy!

Natalie said...

Vaccinations are NO FUN.