Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Grasping New Concepts

The educational process continues:
Having mastered the art of holding her head up, Joy is now learning to grip things.
She's also learned that she can pull potentially tasty objects toward her mouth. Still working some of the bugs out of that process though - here she tried to suck on Daddy's finger, but something got in the way.
Additionally, Joy has discovered that she likes sucking on her fist.
Unfortunately, she hasn't yet figured out that if her hand strays from her mouth, she can choose to move it back (don't worry - with Mama's help, Baby and fingers were soon reunited).

All that learning is hard work! Time for a nap.


Natalie said...

Such sweet innocence in a sleeping baby. Even as they get older, when they are sleeping they are still that sweet innocent child.

Sheree in GA said...

It's fun to see how my little great niece is growing. I love checking in to see what new pictures you have and love to see what you have written. What type of programs does Dad develop? I'm sure your Phillip and cousin Philip will have plenty to talk about. Aunt Sheree

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Natalie - I know what you mean. Today I went in to wake Joy up for her dinner, and she looked so sweet and peaceful that I couldn't resist leaning down and snuggling my cheek against hers for a minute or two. Sigh.

Sheree - Glad you're enjoying our blog. :) Phillip's program is a database for organizing diabetic info (he is Type I diabetic).