Saturday, September 22, 2007

Peppers and Tomato-on-a-Stick

Here are a few more self-indulgent pictures of home-grown produce.

Considering that our two pepper plants only produced a single quarter-sized fruit in their first two months on our porch, I'm impressed by their recent yield. These three bells went into a pot of chicken chili. Mmmm.

Talk about determination. Our two other tomato plants have done pretty well, but this one has always struggled. Not sure if it's the variety, the soil, or what. It has only managed to put out a couple tiny branches from its single stalk, but this is the third tomato it has given us. Thanks, little plant. Much appreciated.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

It is so fun to eat the things that you grow. That poor little tomato bush/twig. Way to grow buddy!