Saturday, September 8, 2007

Update on Mush Consumption

Well, I've made a (very minor) breakthrough in my efforts to spoonfeed Joy.

I've discovered that if I can get her to smile (by making silly animal sounds, etc.), I can insert the spoon in her mouth and the food generally stays inside. In fact, Joy probably ate more cereal this morning than she did in the entire week previous.

Of course, this method only works until the animal shtick gets old. I noticed lunch wasn't nearly as successful, though that may have been because breakfast was so huge.


Serena said...

Also try just mashing up a little of what you and philip are eating, she'll love it. My kids always have, examples; refried beans, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, potatoe salad,and let her feed herself with her hands, she'll love it.

aunt nancy said...

Grandpa says, "Try good stuff like Snicker Bars or double cheesburgers!?" That always works for me.

Lisa said...

Jake has EXACTLY the same problem. I don't think he realizes that anything but milk can fill him up. Taste is just another sensory experience for him (and he usually doesn't like it). You got plenty of advice, so I don't have anything to offer, except to mention that at his 9 month appointment they found Jake to be pretty anemic. He's on iron supplements right now. So make sure you're still taking your prenatals and work hard on that rice cereal (or oatmeal even). It's good to know that my baby isn't the only one! :)

Carrie said...

This is the first time I've seen Joy, she's a cutie.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Serena, I'm definitely moving in that direction, though for now I'm slowly introducing new things to make sure Joy doesn't have any allergic reactions.

Alas, chocolate and peanuts are off limits until her first birthday, so Snickers are out for now. Double cheeseburgers bear looking into, though.

Lisa, fortunately Joy is at least taking a shine to the cereal, so hopefully she's getting enough iron.

Carrie, Joy appreciates the compliment. :)