Sunday, September 30, 2007

Wild Times

Our growing girl is now too big for her infant car seat, so we invested in a bigger one that should last her a few more years.

Joy is watching carefully to make sure Daddy fastens her belt correctly his first time.

Joy has taken an increasing interest in local wildlife lately.

Sometimes the wildlife isn't too pleased about that, but hey, what do you expect from a bird who is scared of lettuce?

Speaking of wild, remember that fungus? It seems to have "bloomed." And sprouted twigs. Weird.


Serena said...

That's cute, that Joy is always right behind Sofia. Since Sofia was born at the end of October, and Joy in December, it's fun to watch how their growing up.

Janie said...

Isn't it crazy when you have to buy a bigger car seat? Just wait until you turn it forward-facing. Joy will be in heaven, and you'll wonder where the year went. :) She sure is cute!

Kerri said...

I love when they try to "help" with the straps on the car seat.

Nicole Shelby said...

you make me smile!
it's so good to see joy growing and interacting with the world around her.
and you! it's so good to see you thoroughly enjoying being a daddy.