Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Baby Etiquette

It's funny how many rules of etiquette are reversed for babies. For example:

1) Burping is encouraged.
2) The "no shoes, no service" rule does not apply to them.
3) Drooling is socially acceptable.

And last but not least . . .

4) Sticking out their tongue at you implies that they like you, and is actually rather endearing.


elizabeth cullimore said...

Funny, but so true! I'm always happy when Sophie burps! I know she feels so much better. If only we were more understanding with adults!

Serena said...

Don't forget the gas!! hahah

Christine said...

Hey Kimberly! G&G Sorenson gave me the link to your blog. I can't believe how old Joy is! It seems like you just had her! You will have to link up with my blog. It's http://cswcook.blogspot.com It looks like you guys are doing well. This will be a great way to keep in touch!

Jodi Jean said...

hehe, love the tongue. aidan has taken up that habit as well, and yes it is completely endearing.