Saturday, June 26, 2021

Where's the Party?

I found out this morning that a neighboring town was holding their Independence Day fireworks show a week early tonight (because this was the only day they could book the fireworks company this summer).  After dinner, we all bundled into our van and headed to the park where a friend said we could watch the fireworks.

The younger kids had fun playing on the playground while we waited for the sun to go down . . .

. . . but the older Hendricksons were a little bored.  My friend had mentioned there was always a big party before the fireworks show.  Where was the party?

 I decided to go for a walk . . . and found the party over a hill and through the woods.  There was music playing, and lots of carnival-type vendors selling toys and food that is delightfully bad for you.  I told each of the kids I would buy them one thing.  Joy chose a hot dog, Daniel chose a light-up Minecraft sword, and Anna and Todd chose snow cones.  If you look next to her knee, you can see the snow cone Anna accidentally dropped on the ground right after we bought it.  The nice lady at the booth gave her a second one for free, which I thought was really sweet of her.

As for the actual fireworks, most of our kids found them overwhelmingly loud, so we went back to the park and watched from a distance.  The trees blocked half of the show, but it was still fun to watch, and the finale was spectacular!  I'd forgotten that fireworks can be such a treat.

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