Monday, January 21, 2019

Sledding for Donuts

We got several inches of snow yesterday, and it was 3 degrees outside on this cold, windy morning--a perfect day to stay indoors wrapped up in a blanket.

That is, unless you're an adventurous Hendrickson girl eager to ride the slopes piled up by our apartment complex's snowplows.  (The sleds were gifts from Joy's new math teacher, because her kids had outgrown them.  Thanks, Mrs. Dery!)

Daniel wanted to stay inside all day, but I thought he could use some fresh air and fun childhood memories . . . so I bribed him.  With donuts.  I told him we were going on a sledding outing, and I would buy donuts at the end for everyone who sledded down a little snowplow hill . . .

. . . then sledded down the big hill by the library.  Daniel and I went down each hill exactly once, then retreated to our warm minivan to watch the girls sled the rest of the time.  A few of their schoolmates were sledding at the library hill too, and it was fun to see them recognize my kids even though we've only been here for a few weeks.

Near the donut shop, we saw a six-foot-tall snow drift that a snowplow had piled up on a corner. Someone had carved a pathway through it, creating a small snow canyon.  We took advantage of the New England photo op . . .

. . . then went home to enjoy our donuts.

Todd did absolutely no sledding today, but I bought him a donut anyway because he's little and we don't have snow pants or boots for him yet.  I'm sure he'll learn to love sledding when he's got warm gear and the weather isn't so bitterly cold.  I'm finding that even temperatures in the 30s are pretty comfortable, if you have a warm coat and there's no wind.  Let's hope the weather warms up soon ("warm" is such a relative term!).

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