Monday, July 2, 2018

Summer Swim Lessons

With day camp behind us, I signed Anna and Daniel up for swim lessons starting this week.

Joy is already a strong swimmer, and she spent lesson time swimming laps in the other pool.

In the warmer family pool, Daniel joined one of the intermediate classes.  He can stay afloat and swim to the side of a pool after jumping in, but he needs to work on his form a bit.  Not that he's trying to win the Olympics or anything; swimming inefficiently is just tiring and not as much fun.  At this point, swimming the length of the pool would take him twenty minutes and wear him out.

Anna is in the beginner class because she is still very nervous in the water and doesn't know how to float.  She has a very patient teacher . . .

. . . and a new friend in her class.  They like to bond over girly stuff and water anxiety.

And of course, dinosaur towels make any trip to the pool a lot more fun.

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