Sunday, July 23, 2017

Farewell to the Mahaffeys

This afternoon we attended a farewell open house for the Mahaffeys, a family from church who is moving this week.  It amazes me that people we've known for just over a month can already feel like close friends we're sorry to say goodbye to.  Brother Mahaffey was Daniel's Primary teacher, and Daniel gave him a big, long hug before he even ate a bite of cake.

Alas, I didn't get a picture of the hug, just some shots of the kids playing Foosball in the party host's rec room . . .

. . . while Todd hung out by the pool table (don't tell the folks in River City).

On the way home we stopped to admire a big flock of Canadian geese.  Maybe it's because we're Californians raised in a concrete jungle, but we think the geese and fireflies here in Maryland are pretty cool.

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