Thursday, May 5, 2016

Star Wars Day 2016

May the Fourth be with you!

That's right, folks, it's Star Wars Day, and I held a celebratory dinner featuring double-saber hot dogs,   sarlacc hummus with Ewok food (celery and cucumbers) to dip in it, and colorful carrot light sabers with foil handles . . .

. . . plus some non-geeky baby carrots for the youngling.

For dessert I made a sheet cake decorated with star sprinkles and the Millennium Falcon (it blew the kids' minds that I stuck a toy in the frosting).  Last but not least, I rented Star Wars 7 and let the two big kids stay up to watch the first hour of it (we'll watch the rest this weekend).  They're enjoying it so far, and Joy was almost as delighted as I was to see the "real" Millennium Falcon in the film.

Coincidentally, Anna recently came home from preschool with a jet-pack, which she thinks is pretty cool.  Huzzah for sci-fi and the joys of imagination!

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