Friday, June 6, 2014

Math Man and Aqua Girl

Daniel's preschool class had Superhero Day this week.

Daniel chose to be Math Man, because he likes numbers and can figure out math questions quickly (sometimes faster than adults).

Math Man apparently does NOT like swimming, however. I signed him up for lessons and he seemed really keen on the idea, but when we arrived he didn't even want to get in the water. I insisted that he at least stand on the first step, figuring that once he got his feet wet (literally) he would be more inclined to participate.  No dice.  He just stood on that step with his back to the pool for the whole lesson, while the teacher beckoned and cajoled in vain.

Fortunately, his little sister was a lot more interested in taking swim lessons, and the folks in charge let me put her in the class in Daniel's place.  I use the term "swim lessons" loosely, because at this point Anna doesn't seem to quite grasp the concepts of kicking, floating, etc., but she's having fun and getting more comfortable in the water.

Sounds like a win to me.

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