Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter at the Park

Yesterday we joined some friends at the park for an Easter egg hunt.

We even got to see the Easter bunny (who happens to live down the street from us).

The kids waited patiently for the hunt to start . . .

. . . then each got to collect a dozen eggs.

Here's Daniel surveying his loot.

After the hunt, Joy strapped on her roller blades and did a few laps around the park . . .

. . . while Daniel and Anna enjoyed the swings.  It was a fun outing, but I feel a little bad that it was the extent of our Easter celebration this year.  Usually I assemble Easter baskets and do a three-day object lesson about Christ's resurrection, but lately I've felt so busy and worn out that all I could manage was this outing and a few decorations around the house.  The kids didn't seem to mind, but I regret that I let what is arguably the most important holiday of the year pass practically unnoticed in our home. Todd will only be a little baby once, though, so hopefully I'll have more holiday energy next year.

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