Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Winter Day at the Beach

The weather has been unusually warm this winter . . .

. . . so some members of Phillip's choir planned a beach party today.

Joy played in the waves . . .

. . . Daniel flung sand into the ocean (cuz he likes to throw sand, and the ocean doesn't mind) . . .

. . . Anna played in the dry sand for a while before moving down by the water and somehow getting a big glob of wet sand in her hair (I suspect her big brother had something to do with that) . . .

. . . and Todd caught some rays with Daddy . . .

. . . when he wasn't snoozing in the sling with me.


Rachel Culmer said...

The beach in January. I wouldn't have believed it.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I know . . . sometimes I think it's really not fair to the rest of the country. :)