Wednesday, February 20, 2013

P is for "Preschool"

It was my turn to teach Daniel's preschool today.  Our focus was on the letter P, so . . .

. . . I made Puzzles . . .

. . . we Practiced writing the letter P . . .

. . . then made P's with Pink and Purple Pipe Cleaners.  And yes, Daniel is wearing his Pajamas.  I'd like to say that I Planned that to coincide with P Day, but I think you know better than that.

The kids took a break to Play with trains . . .

. . . and blocks.

The trains even went off-roading at one Point.

Joy joined us as we used Q-tips to Paint Polka-dotted P's Pink and Purple.

I noticed that the kids Painted neatly inside their letter at first, but as time wore on some of them began to think outside the P.  It was fun to see how each of them chose to Paint (e.g. solidly inside the letter, Polka dots everywhere, chaotic squiggles, etc.).  I'm sure a child Psychologist could draw some interesting conclusions from those dots and squiggles, but frankly I'm too Pooped to think about it much right now.

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