Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Familiar Rock Faces

I love this view.

My family used to come to Yosemite Valley every summer when I was a kid, and today for the first time in years I came around a bend and saw my old friends Half Dome and El Capitan.

This time, I'm sharing the experience with my little family, my parents, two sibs, and a sib-in-law. 

  Our first order of business was to take a short hike . . .

 . . . to the base of Yosemite Falls.

 The big kids loved clambering around on the rocks . . .

. . . and among (or even inside) the trees.

Anna just missed her crib.  Thanks for being a good sport, Baby.

1 comment:

Rachel Culmer said...

Jealous. Jealous. Jealous. We always wanted to go back but then things in yo-smite changed and you couldn't go play in the river anymore, or jump off the bridge, etc.

I hope you guys had loads of fun. I'm sure Uncle Mike took you on a treasure hunt and had a water fight. Those were the best. :)