Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a fun Thanksgiving at Uncle Nile and Aunt Breta's this year. After savoring the sumptuous fare . . .

. . . we played Dress-Up, . . .

. . . dominoes, . . .

. . . and a few wild rounds of Pit, . . .

. . . and just enjoyed being together. As I reflect on my blessings this time of year, my family, my health, and the Gospel are at the top of my list.


nathan n rachel said...

I noticed that everybody had shoes on--even Mary and Katherine. I'm surprised my Dad didn't ask them to take off their shoes.

I'm jealous that you were able to go to Thanksgiving at my parent's house. However, I'm glad you were able to go. :)

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I'm glad we could go, too. Hope to see you there sometime soon. :)