Wednesday, July 20, 2011

True Grit

The kids and I joined some friends at the beach today.

When I put up our umbrella, Joy immediately moved into sun and lay down. I thought she was a little young to care about getting a tan, but she explained that she was just trying to get warm in the sunshine (it was surprisingly cool there for a July day).

As for the liquid portion of the beach, this is about as close as Joy wanted to get to it. We tried wading in the ocean together, but having even a few inches of water rushing toward her feet was apparently unnerving to Joy, and she fled in terror at least twice before the water even got close to us. Eventually she suggested an alternative: I could pick her up and dip her feet in the ocean after the wave had rushed past me. We did that a few times, then Joy decided to spend the rest of the outing playing in the safe, stationary sand.

Daniel was content to do that the entire time.

He also ate several fistfuls of the gritty stuff. Ew. I can't see how the flavor or texture could be remotely appealing, but hey, he didn't ask my opinion.

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