Friday, August 15, 2008

What Begins With F?

I'm sure Dr. Seuss won't mind me borrowing a line from him . . .

"Big F, little f. What begins with F?"


The first stop on our Hendrickson family trip back east was Niagra Falls. It was a truly awesome site, and as with most natural wonders, photos never quite convey the majesty. We couldn't resist trying, though.


'Cuz no family bonding experience is complete without group photos. Of course, this shot will be outdated in a few weeks when Little Madsen Dude arrives.

"Fruit Farm"

Ooo, double points for alliteration!

En route to Palmyra, we stopped by a little farm that lets you pick your own fruit for a minimal fee. Our cheerful guide (shown above) escorted us to everything that was in season. My favorite selection was the crabapples--tart little walnut-sized apples that made perfect snacks for the rest of our trip.

The farm also had a few rows of rhubarb, a plum tree that had been bearing fruit since the Civil War, and a . . .


OK, technically this little guy is a toad, but don't say that too loud. It might hurt his feelings.


Lisa said...

What a fun trip! I've always wanted to see Niagara Falls. And that frog reminds me of the little frogs we used to catch as kids. We'd get 7 or 8 in a night and then get all upset when our parents wouldn't let us keep them :)

Jodi Jean said...

what a fun beginning to your trip!!

Nicole Shelby said...

i loved seeing all the pictures for your amazing family trip.

but, i couldn't help noticing that uncle john wasn't in them. didn't he get to go too?