Friday, March 9, 2007

Destined for the Big Screen

Since we live so close to Hollywood, it's not uncommon for Joy and me to run across movie crews like this one on our morning walks.

I had to run home and get the camera for this crew because when I looked on the backs of the chairs I saw that they were filming . . .

. . . National Treasure II (probably too small for you to read it--sorry). The original National Treasure is one of my favorite movies (I'm a history buff--what can I say?), and I hope the second film will be as much fun as the first.

If we walk by the set enough days in a row, maybe a talent scout will discover Joy and invite her to be in the picture. Seriously--look at this range of emotion:

"Unassumingly Innocent"

"Somewhat Dubious"

"Politely Incredulous"

1 comment:

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Wow! The RANGE! The EMOTION! The sheer raw acting POWER!

How soon can you sign babies up for roles in major motion pictures? She's prepped.