Sunday, April 2, 2023

Palm Sundaes

It's Conference Weekend, y'all!

I once again gave the kids the option of earning prizes
by marking a Conference Squares sheet to earn up to four prizes, 
or they could automatically earn full prizes for a session
if they took notes on each talk (at least noting the speaker's main topic).
All of the kids opted to take notes this time.

Joy managed the prize distribution again.
The younger kids like her point system, and I like being able to just buy all the prizes,
and then hand the reins to her so I can focus on listening to inspiring Conference messages.

My take-home message this time was to ask for God's help with my challenges
rather than fighting every uphill battle by myself.

Between sessions, we went for a family ride/scoot
so Daniel could break in his new bike.
Hey, Daniel--don't forget to put your kickstand up!

It was kind of chilly out,
so Joy bundled up for the ride with a coat, gloves, 
a cozy hat under her helmet . . . and bare feet.
I don't get it, but OK.

Today was also the first day of Holy Week!
In addition to acting out Christ's Triumphal Entry
I decided to serve Palm Sunday sundaes for dessert.
I even trimmed some mint leaves to look like palm leaves.

Joy decided to take that idea one step further,
and add kale leaves to her sundae.
She let me try a taste, and it wasn't bad,
but it wasn't great either.
She liked it though, and that's what matters.

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