Saturday, April 8, 2023

Hand Warmers

Houston, we have a problem.
I thought the chicks wouldn't be able to get out of their brooder bin
for at least a month or so,
but at the tender age of 12 days . . .

. . . Mary found a way to hop up onto the rim, and then down to the floor.
It's an impressive feat,
but it also means we need to add some side vents and a lid to their bin
far sooner than I expected to.

While Daddy cut holes in the side of their bin,
I kept the chicks in a temporary box with very tall sides.
Mary and Martha were fine with that,
but Abby and Debbie began making distressed little peeps
because their tiny bodies were getting too cold.

We found that if we made mini-brooders with our hands
and held them in the warm sunshine,
they were nice and comfy until we finished remodeling their home.

Ta da! With the addition of some hardware cloth and zip ties,
we now have vents in both ends of the bin
so can put a lid on and keep the chicks from getting stuck outside their brooder.
Safer for them, and better for my peace of mind!

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