Saturday, March 27, 2021

A Trophy and a Tumble

Joy and Anna continued their flurry of artistic creativity this morning.

Joy made an abstract rendition of a twin sunset from Star Wars 4 (you know, the original one).

Anna made a trophy . . .

. . . and then warmed my heart by presenting it to me.  Awww!

This afternoon, we returned to Oak Hill . . .

. . . so Daddy could take pictures from Lookout Rock.

Joy decided to shimmy up and down the cliff I was reluctant to let her climb last time.  She lost her footing and fell ten feet into a bunch of thorny bushes.

Joy and I spent the rest of the afternoon in an urgent care center making sure she wasn't concussed, fractured, or in need of stitches.  She wasn't, but experience has taught me that it's better to be safe than sorry.  Experience has also now taught me to bring a first aid kit along on future hikes.

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